Saturday, August 29, 2009

The September Issue-chapter one

Went with my friend the creative director to see film yesterday. What was everyone else seeing? And what were they thinking? This is not a celebration of 840 pages of fabulous fashion.or a celebration of the biggest ad revenues produced by a single issue in the history of Conde Nast This is Purgatorio as described by Dante and now endured in the endless corridors and closets at 4 Times Square. SHE knows. It is her boredom that fuels the film Her eyes tell all. The blankness of her gaze..the blackness of her gaze when masked by those signature glasses. Her fingers drumming on her silken Prada skirt. Her peremptory "is that all" question.
Anna Wintour is the tragic heroine of a drama that may not be Euripidean but still has its moments of hubris and awful self knowledge.SHE knows. If she has pride in being the most powerful woman in fashion, she has the awful knowledge that to her siblings who are engaged in weightier pursuits such as finding homes for the poor her work is "amusing." Her life's'work--20 years of Vogue shelf upon shelf--line in her library--and record the triumphs..the black model on her first cover, the fur cover, the "Sienna" cover... remarkable only for the revenues paged inside. She shows a sense of life infrequently...once when referring to Roger Federer's'performance, another in conversation with Neiman's'Burt Tansky (Tansky memorably asking for Wintour's'help in getting better delivery from designers. It is 2007 and Tansky fears the demand is outrunning supply of $5,000 dresses.) And another when asked what her best quality is...answer "Decisiveness."
She is the heroine, the clear eyed in the land of the blind.